My adult child experiences disability, do I need Guardianship?

Guardianship is a common concern for parents of children experiencing disabilities. While not every disabled person requires appointment of a guardian, being appointed as your adult child’s guardian can be essential if you need to assist them in making medical and placement decisions.
If your child cannot communicate or understand medical decisions, decide where they should live, or make other important decisions about their lives then a Guardianship may be needed.
A guardian is a person (often a close family member or friend) appointed by the court for someone who is incapacitated. The guardian has the authority to make personal and health care decisions for another person. A guardian may determine where the person will reside and what medical care he or she will receive. The guardian doesn’t always have to be a family member and in some cases having a professional guardian can be the best option.
Even with a Guardianship, we recommend supported decision-making. This means including your child in the decision-making process to the greatest extent possible.
If you think your adult child may benefit from a guardianship you should also learn about the following: Special Needs Trusts, ABLE Accounts, and Conservatorships.
We are happy to help walk you though your options and create a plan that will best support your child. Call today to schedule a phone or video conference with one of our experienced attorneys - 503.786.8191.