Oregon Advance Directive 2021
Beginning September 25 Oregon has a new Advance Directive form! An Advance Directive is a legal form that is helpful in safeguarding your...

Should You Use Online Forms or Services to Prepare Your Will or Trust?
Should I just use an online service such as Legal Zoom or forms from Suze Orman to prepare my Will or Trust? While generalized electronic...

Make Sure Your Plan Beneficiary Choices Are Up to Date
Many people periodically update their wills or other estate plans, but don't update who will receive distributions from their retirement...

Estate Planning in the Time of COVID-19
Wondering how to go about planning your estate during this time of social distancing? The attorneys are Fitzwater Law are here to help....

Answers to your Questions about Oregon’s Advance Directive
Q: What is the Advance Directive? A: The Advance Directive is a legal document that allows you to make your health care wishes, including...

Now Is The Time To Update Your Will
Fitzwater Law is open and ready to help you with your estate planning! During this challenging time we know how important your family is...

SECURE Act - What You Need To Know
The SECURE Act was passed into law at the end of 2019 and went into effect on January 1, 2020. The SECURE Act makes sweeping changes to...

New Law Makes Big Changes to Retirement Plans
President Trump has signed a spending bill that makes major changes to retirement plans. The new law is designed to provide more...

My pets are special to me. How can I plan for them after I am gone?
How Can I Provide For My Pet´s Future? We share a special bond with our animal companions. Our pets rely on us for food, shelter, and...

What is the Right Way to Add a Trusted Person to Your Bank Account?
“Should I add a family member or trusted friend to my bank account?” Providing someone with the authority to access your account means...